Taken from Hossan's blog
The Magic Fundoshi opens tonight. The Set is beautiful (Ivan Heng), the costumes are fabulous ( Mothar Kassim, winner of best costume design 2006), the Lighting design is super (Yo Shao An, designer extraodinaire) and what can I say? Glen Goei’s direction! First 8 shows are sold out and it’s going fast. Do come and support, it’s not going to be your normal average ‘Singlish’ play. Come and expand your horizons! Trust me…there’ll be lots of fleshy, I mean, flashy stuff.
Really something different... not your typical singlish play! And lots of flesh as he mentioned! There was even a red light buld to warn you for 'scenes' so that you can do you own "self-censorship"
My thoughts for the play? A good laugh I enjoyed I would say. The Magical Fundoshi was made up of 3 plots actually, each playing on the issue of dishonest as least it was to me. Story-wise was rather common and the jokes quite slapstick, but they didn't fail to make me crack up nonetheless. However, the props, costumes were commendable and the casts were impressive with their expressive delivery of the tightly scripted dialogues. Last but not least, the "SPECIAL" appearance by Emma Yong really left such an impact that I was totally taken aback by. How so? You would have to go see it to find out for yourself! - Gladdy
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