Watched Singapore Dreaming. The movie was a very accurate and honest depiction of life in Singapore. So it was rather disturbing in that sense. Everything was quite real! Singapore Dreaming doesn't let the Singaporean in you escape. You are reminded of how shitty your life is: how much you dream to live in a better place than where you are in already. Isn't that what we always wanted?

Some familar scenes will be like mother nagging at her child for not studying. "Grow up and be a road sweeper issit?" The daily squeeze with others on public transport, owing people money or lending people money, hating the people with their flashy degrees, obeying your boss's stupid decisions just because you want to keep your job, and rejecting phonecalls from friends and acquaintances who suddenly want to contact you because they've recently became insurance salesmen.
What is the difference bewteen Jack Neo and this? Jack Neo's stuff gives hope to all because the characters end up happy and provided with solutions to major-life problems. But Singapore Dreaming doesn't do that for us. The ending is a stark one that's realistic, plausible, sad, and leaves a bitter aftertaste after the curtains close and the lights are switched on. And that's uncomfortable.
Singaporeans dream of the 5Cs - condominium, credit card, car, cash, country club. Now there is a 6th C: coffin. Give a new meaning to the phrase "work till you die in Singapore".
But I wonder why they talk about Towel Club for what!?