WA90RAN3 - 7kg washing machine comes with the Silver Wash which allows sterilisation of our garments and prevent the propagation of bacterias for up to 30 days. It is also equipped with powerful tornado system that guarantees excellent washing performance while preventing laundry from getting entangled.

WA6550B9 - 6.5kg washing machine comes with the Silver Nano filter which provides anti-bacterial effect for our garments. It is equipped with the water saving stainless steel tub that helps to save water up to 30%.
Which is better? We can either get the 7kg one which cost $499 (but we need to pay $60 delivery charge) or exchange it for a $350 TAKA voucher... OR just get the TAKA Voucher and get a 6.5kg which cost $260 with free delivery!
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