The special effects on Bill Nighy (Davey Jones) and his pirate crew was perhaps the best; it was very realistic. The movie had a bit of a slow start, but overall was a wonderful film. Johnny Depp did well in his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow, as previously in the first film. Keira Knightley and Bill Nighy were also of mentionable performances. I thought Orlando Bloom was a little wooden, but with his good looks... he managed to pull it off.
If you loved the original, you will DEFINITELY love this film. The ending leaves you satisfied though still wanting more and wishing that we were just a little bit closer to May, 2007.
THE Singapore-Pirates of the Caribbean connection will culminate in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, the third instalment in the trilogy that is due next year. Singapore was first mentioned in the Curse of the Black Pearl. In Dead Man’s Chest, out now in cinemas here, a pirate tells Will Turner: “Jack Sparrow turned up in Singapore!”
Well, it turns out he really will be in Singapore in part three. Not physically – despite rumours that the openingsequence would be filmed here. Instead, Singapore will be recreated on set, with Chow Yun Fat in the cast. The August issue of Empire magazine, which caught a glimpse of the filming of At World’s End, offered a sneak peek of what’s to come: “We are in Singapore circa 1720, there is a stone quay, fungally afflicted bathhouse, and ahive of bridges, walkways and shacks built over a vast tank of murky water ... The home of Captain Sao Feng, king of the Singapore pirates, as played with a full throttle flam-boyance near as madcap as Sparrow’s by Chow Yun Fat.”
Buena Vista International, which distributes the Pirates movies inSingapore, confirmed the Singapore link. “Singapore will figure in the storyline of Pirates 3 but it is not being filmed nor were there sequences filmed here,” said a spokesperson.
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