Monday, May 8, 2006

Whampoa Drive Hawker Centre

Block 90, Whampoa Drive has been around for more than 30 years. It offers local delights such as rojak, fried oyster and cze char.

We tried the curry fish head from Uncle Sim and did not regret it. We were fortunate that we manage to order as once I placed my order, they turn off the lights as they are sold out for the day! The fish head served in a claypot, lady’s fingers and tau pok, the curry gravy was fragrantly lemak (full of coconut milk) and spicy without overwhelming the taste buds, and the fish was amazingly fresh!

I also went to queue for the famous Balestier Road Hoover Luo Za’s rojak. And thank goodness again... I was within the last 5 plates of what is available. The rest of the people behind me was rejected. NO MORE NO MORE... the aunty told everyone with a smile... Served on a piece of fresh lettuce, the rojak is a delightful mix of crispy you tiao (dough fritters), pineapple slices, turnip, cucumber, tau pok, bean sprouts and chewy jellyfish, topped with a generous dose of peanut powder. Added in a century egg cos Gladdy like it!

The hawker centre is slated for renovations in July. But those who have yet to sample the delicious hawker fare, fret not — the stalls will be temporarily housed in the food centre in front of Block 77, Whampoa Drive.

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